Friday, May 20, 2011

Siberian Tigers born in Murphy, NC at the King Kong Zoo


The King Kong Zoological Park here in Murphy, NC had two male Siberian Tigers born on Saturday morning at 3:42 a.m.. The mother is a Orange Tiger named Juliet and the father is a White Tiger named Romeo. The orange cub is a little larger than the rare all-white one.

Owner John Curtis took time out after giving a tour of the Zoo to some people visiting from Florida to tell me more about the tiger cubs. His father, Stan Curtis, showed me the photo albums of John throughout the years growing up around and with lions and tigers. The Curtis family moved here from Florida and in 1989 started the King Kong Zoo here in Murphy, NC. If you're here visiting the Zoo and have the opportunity to speak with John it's very evident that he has the knowledge and love for these wild animals that it takes to care for and run this Zoo. Our family has visited the Zoo many times and had great birthday parties there too.

I must say I was very fortunate and the first to have their photo taken with the cubs today. They were so cute and I was just thrilled that John allowed me to hold them. At just a week old they are hard to keep still just long enough for a picture. I'm so looking forward to visiting the King Kong Zoo and watching them grow.

John said that as they get a little bigger and their personalities start showing they will decide on about 5 names for tiger cubs and then the Cherokee County local schoolchildren will have the privilege of naming the cubs in a upcoming contest. We'll let you know what they choose in a later post.

Make sure to stop in and visit the King Kong Zoological Park in Murphy, NC!
For more information contact the King Kong Zoo at 828-837-4242

Lee & Carol Barbour ~ The Mountain Living Team

Posted via email from mountainlivingteam's posterous

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